HaMsTeRs ArE PeOpLe ToO
My Artwork
Other's artwork
KiSS Dolls
KiSS Templates

Welcome to HaMsTeRs ArE PeOpLe ToO

Welcome to Animehamster's tiny page! Here you will find KiSS dolls, my art, other's art, a picture gallery, and more!

7/20/04- Added one template, and three Fanarts by Sharm! Please... Send your fanart or original art in! I really do need it! ^_^; I'm working on the gallery. It's just so big, I'll have to host in on another page.... O__o; It's really rather large! I might start hosting all of my old dolls again, since http://otakuworld.com seems to be down.... http://snippets.dwarfinvasion.org does too! >__<; So I of course host my templates....


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